Pro Tools No Longer Included with Mackie Products
In 2019 Mackie announced a partnership with Avid® to offer Pro Tools® | First plus the Musician Collection™ with a number of their popular studio and creator products. We have recently learned that Avid has discontinued all versions of Pro Tools® | First effective immediately, including not only the Pro Tools® | First 1st party offering from Avid, but also the Musician Collection, a 3rd party offering including the 304 Series plug-ins that were previously included for free with the purchase of select Mackie products.
A 1-month free trial of Pro Tools (standard) can still be accessed at Avid’s website; however, this offer is made in no official partnership with Mackie. Select Mackie products will continue to offer the versatile and incredibly capable Waveform™ OEM software and 16 plug-in DAW Essentials Collection™ from Tracktion. Waveform OEM is a multi-award-winning workstation, featuring powerful and creative tools to inspire the modern musician. Unlike typical ‘Lite’ versions, it does not impose any restrictions – you get unlimited track count, powerful features, compatibility with all popular plug-ins and efficient performance on MacOS®, Windows®, and Linux® operating systems.
If you have any questions regarding the change, please feel free to get in touch with the Musical Distributors support team or if you’ve recently purchased a Mackie product that ships with the Waveform software you can redeem your version here: